最小起訂≥1 千克
發(fā)貨期限自買家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
更新日期2022-03-25 19:17
品牌: |
未填 |
所在地: |
廣東 深圳市 |
起訂: |
≥1 千克 |
供貨總量: |
未填 |
有效期至: |
長期有效 |
Wasn't it odd that she didn't know who she was? And wasn't it unreasonable that she hadn't been allowed to have any say in what she would look like? Her looks had just been dumped on her. She could choose her own friends, but she certainly hadn't chosen herself. She had not even chosen to be a human being.
The mysterious letters had made Sophie's head spin. She decided to go and sit in the den.
The den was Sophie's top secret hiding place. It was where she went when she was terribly angry, terribly miserable, or terribly happy. Today she was simply confused.
* * *
The red house was surrounded by a large garden with lots of flowerbeds, fruit bushes, fruit trees of different kinds, a spacious lawn with a glider and a little gazebo that Granddad had built for Granny when she lost their first child a few weeks after it was born. The child's name was Marie. On her gravestone were the words: "Little Marie to us came, greeted us, and left again."
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